Wednesday, February 8, 2012

January Weather Report -- Break out the sunscreen

January was the sunniest, windiest, and driest month on record (since record-keeping began almost two years ago). Looking over my daily weather descriptions I see it was sunny or mostly sunny for 25 of January's 31 days. As for rain, we received a measly 1.3 inches. We also experienced the longest stretch of days with no measurable rainfall: 17 days (from Jan. 16 till Feb. 1). The trade winds blew almost constantly, and I recorded a record-breaking gust of 42 miles per hour on January 29. By mid-month cracks began to appear in our very clayey soil.

The ground cracked open.

Highs were slightly higher and lows slightly lower than in December: the average high was 74.9 degrees; the average low -- 58.8.

With all this sunny weather I've had to use lots of sunblock on my arms, face, and neck. I also wear a broad-brimmed straw hat.  The wind keeps the temperature and humidity down, so on windy days I can work outside with a long-sleeve shirt till mid-morning.

The good news is that many flowers (such as the hibiscus) put out most of their blooms during the dry season. Also, the lawn needs mowing less frequently.

I have spent a lot of time watering. Last year a friend offered to show me how to install a drip irrigation system, but I turned him down because my first two dry seasons here weren't really very dry at all. I am hand-watering now, and wishing I had that drip system.

The pond has also turned murky and bright green with algae. Once or twice a week I top it up with tap water and also occasionally let several hundred gallons flow out in order to clear the water some. I am working on a home-made biological filter and hope to install it soon.

The two windbreaks in the vegetable garden are functioning well (last January there were no windbreaks and the wind destroyed everything).

If one is willing to spend the time and money watering vegetables, the dry season is an excellent time to grow them.

Happy gardening!

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