Monday, May 7, 2012

March Weather Report -- Winds kick up, continued dry and sunny

Thunbergia grandiflora
The winds really picked up during the first half of the month, then died down a little for the remainder. A record wind of 44 miles per hour was posted on March 6, beating the previous high of 42 mph recorded in January. One of the windbreaks in the vegetable garden finally collapsed at the end of the month.

Sunny and mostly sunny skies continued from the previous two months. Rainfall came to only 2.2 inches, and all of it came on March 4, 5, & 6. As a result, I spent a considerably amount of time watering plants and grass. Despite the watering, the grass has turned yellow. The pond turned very green with algae and we had to run quite a bit of water into it in order to keep the water fresh.

Temperatures were virtually identical to the previous month: the average high was 77 degrees; the average low, 59.7.

The agapanthus normally bloom from December through June, but are refusing to put out blooms this year until they receive a little more rainfall. The asparagus, which are tall and scraggly, have taken a beating from the wind.

Happy gardening!