Windbreaks constructed in December to protect the vegetable garden |
I am continually amazed by the amount of rainfall we receive here. The total for the year was 129.9 inches. The average annual rainfall recorded at a weather station only about three miles away is 90 inches. So we got 40 inches above the normal. WOW!
We are not experiencing either an El Niño nor a La Niña, so the rainfall and temperatures should be about average. The two factors that could conceivably account for the high rainfall are either yearly variability or very localized weather conditions. It could be a combination of both factors, but I'm guessing it's more the effects of the localized weather. Time will tell.
Monthly rainfall (in inches)
January 6.8
February 6.1
March 3.7
April 4.5
May 18.1
June 10.9
July 15.5
August 6.0
September 11.1
October 33.3
November 7.7
December 6.2
TOTAL 129.9
The distribution of rainfall by month for 2011 seems about right. The dry season (or summer, as it is called here) usually begins in December and lasts through April. The rainy season (or winter, as it is called here) usually begins in May and lasts through November. The only month that did not fit this pattern this year was August.
It felt warmer this year, and the data bears this out. Comparing the last five months of 2010 (when I began keeping data) with the last five of 2011, every month was warmer in 2011, one month even seven degrees warmer, farenheit.
Temperatures by month
Ave. high Ave. low
January 77.6 60.5
February 76.6 58.1
March 78.2 58.1
April 78.7 60.3
May 78.0 62.1
June 78.0 63.1
July 78.3 63.5
August 80.0 64.3
September 79.6 63.8
October 75.4 63.1
November 77.2 61.3
December 74.4 59.7
I do not yet have the instruments to measure humidity or barometric pressure. During the dry season, the trade winds are blowing over the top of the Cordillera Central. We are located just a few miles from the top of this mountain range, on the leeward side. These cross-mountain winds keep the temperatures moderate, and the humidity down for much of the year.
For wind velocity, I have a hand-held anemometer. As this is the first really windy place I have lived, I've been interesting in measuring the maximum wind velocity. The windy season corresponds roughly with the dry season, and the trade winds are the dominating force. The winds generally begin in November, a month before the dry season begins, and blow until March, ending a month before the wet season begins, in May.
The maximum recorded wind gust was 34 miles per hour, which occurred in February.
Happy gardening!